
You may be asking yourself what is a CREATIVE DOULA?


“If you're looking for someone to hold a safe and supportive space for transformative healing and growth, Nycole Fry is the person to connect with. She's a skilled and intuitive healing artist who has helped countless me overcome emotional and personal challenges by providing a nurturing environment to process and explore my innate power. She truly has a gift for creating a space of love and gratitude that allows introspection and open processing.

Nycole's unique approach to her craft is inspiring, and she'll encourage you to discover new ways to grow personally. You'll find her warm and welcoming demeanor easy to talk to, so don't hesitate to reach out with questions during the process. You'll be empowered to heal and thrive.”

Learn more about Nycole.

Let’s connect!

I offer these services to encourage you to embrace and explore your unique self!

CREATIVE READING: A co-creative digital design tailored for you. The purpose of the creative reading is to inspire you to embrace and connect with your authentic self and to provide different modalities to encourage you to build a foundation that will navigate you toward connecting to your heart and cultivating a relationship with intuition. The personalized image acts as a guide; ask questions, connect to your heart and listen to the answers given. Gene Keys is integrated into the creative process as well. Nycole will share what transpired throughout the innovative technique and the essence of the visions.

CACAO & FIRE CEREMONY: Individual or Group Cacao & Fire Ceremony. A Cacao and Fire Ceremony keeps us centered, connected to our hearts, and living well. The Ceremony is for self-reflection, allowing one to analyze one's hopes, wishes, and dreams and let go of the past to grow from it and build a better future for oneself. …AND MUCH MORE.

Restore balance in Your Life with Sound and Energy Alignment Sessions: Life can be chaotic, but finding inner peace doesn't have to be. Sound and Energy Alignment sessions are the perfect way to alleviate stress and restore harmony in your life. Experience the soothing power of sound and energy healing to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.

Tailored Self-Care for the Modern Woman: Feeling stressed and short on time for self-care? I offer Personalized self-care packages combine Creative Self-Expression Workshops, Sound and Energy Alignment, and Cacao and Fire Ceremonies to fit your unique needs. Prioritize your well-being and discover the best version of you with our tailored solutions.

Connect and Grow with Group Workshops: Looking for a meaningful way to connect with others and explore self-discovery? The Group Workshops offer the perfect blend of community, creativity, and mindfulness. Tailored for women who lead busy lives, these workshops provide a nurturing environment where you can unwind, express yourself, and build lasting friendships. Experience the joy of collective growth and find your tribe among women who understand and support you.

Discover the Magic of Spiritual Art: Infused with Blessings: Every piece is created with intention and love, ensuring that each stroke carries positive energy and divine blessings. Abundance in Every Detail: Nycole channels her spiritual insights to bring you art that resonates with empowerment, wisdom, growth, prosperity, and a sense of inner peace. Unique and Personalized: No two pieces are alike. Each artwork uniquely expresses the Nycole's spiritual downloads, making it a perfect addition to any sacred space. Transformative Experience: Whether an art collector or someone is seeking spiritual enrichment, Nycole's artwork provides a transformative experience that aligns with your higher self.

I look forward to connecting with you.



A paradigm shift…

After traveling to Peru by myself in 2021, I experienced a significant transformation. This adventure helped me gain newfound clarity, healing, growth, and self-love. Through my self-discovery journey over the past decade, I have realized the importance of sovereignty, self-expression, intuition, and connecting with Divine wisdom. My trip to Peru allowed me to see generational trauma and my previous non-serving behaviors and mindsets from a different perspective. This fresh view of things empowered me to make positive changes in my life and break free from old patterns that no longer serve me or those around me. Being self-aware, present in the moment, and practicing these habits has been crucial to my healing process. Surrendering to the teachings of Ayahuasca brought profound healing to my heart, mind, and body. Through the wisdom, creativity, and connection gained from my journey, I have learned invaluable lessons that will guide me confidently toward becoming the best version of myself.

I look forward to exploring these amazing paths of living our highest and best self in service of the world.

I know…

  • Alchemizing trauma into strength requires understanding the power of surrender. Surrendering to the experience and fully feeling the emotions allows us to transform pain into something meaningful.

  • Self-regulation of the parasympathetic nervous system is key in this process. We can stay present and aware by learning to calm ourselves down and regulate our emotions, even in difficult situations.

  • Developing a relationship with our bodies is also essential. Trusting and listening to our bodies helps us understand what we need to heal and grow. This includes utilizing ancient healing practices passed down through generations, such as herbal remedies and energy work.

  • Neuroscience and Emotional Intelligence provide insights into the workings of our minds and emotions. We can uproot generational addiction by breaking free from negative mindsets and behaviors passed down through our families.

  • Self-love and a connection between our body, mind, and heart are crucial to growth and healing. Practicing morning and evening self-awareness helps us remain mindful and aware of our thoughts and emotions.

  • Expanding consciousness on a cellular level is a powerful way to transform ourselves from the inside out. Embracing shadows and their teachings unlocks hidden potential and allows us to become our best selves.

  • Shadow work involves working with our unconscious minds to uncover the parts of ourselves we repress and hide from ourselves. This process can be challenging but ultimately leads to greater self-awareness and growth.

  • A mindful and aware community is vital in our healing and growth journeys. Aligning our minds, bodies, hearts, and spirits enables us to tap into our full potential and live more fulfilling lives.

    I am a student of life, and I live for the magic and miracles.

    Remember, the mind is the servant of the heart. By practicing daily mindfulness and quieting the chatter of the mind, we can harness the power of our thoughts and words to create positive change in our lives.

    There is not one way to heal or enhance our lives. We are the creator and designers of personal experiences.

    When you listen closely and follow the path for you, so you can experience the life you want, everything adjusts to reflect that mindset.

    Grace. Patience. Self-discipline. Love.

Let’s connect!

I offer these services to encourage you to embrace and explore your unique self!

CREATIVE READING: A co-creative digital design tailored for you. The purpose of the creative reading is to inspire you to embrace and connect with your authentic self and to provide different modalities to encourage you to build a foundation that will navigate you toward connecting to your heart and cultivating a relationship with intuition. The personalized image acts as a guide; ask questions, connect to your heart and listen to the answers given. Gene Keys is integrated into the creative process as well. Nycole will share what transpired throughout the innovative technique and the essence of the visions.

CACAO & FIRE CEREMONY: Individual or Group Cacao & Fire Ceremony. A Cacao and Fire Ceremony keeps us centered, connected to our hearts, and living well. The Ceremony is for self-reflection, allowing one to analyze one's hopes, wishes, and dreams and let go of the past to grow from it and build a better future for oneself. …AND MUCH MORE.

Restore balance in Your Life with Sound and Energy Alignment Sessions: Life can be chaotic, but finding inner peace doesn't have to be. Sound and Energy Alignment sessions are the perfect way to alleviate stress and restore harmony in your life. Experience the soothing power of sound and energy healing to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.

Tailored Self-Care for the Modern Woman: Feeling stressed and short on time for self-care? I offer Personalized self-care packages combine Creative Self-Expression Workshops, Sound and Energy Alignment, and Cacao and Fire Ceremonies to fit your unique needs. Prioritize your well-being and discover the best version of you with our tailored solutions.

Connect and Grow with Group Workshops: Looking for a meaningful way to connect with others and explore self-discovery? The Group Workshops offer the perfect blend of community, creativity, and mindfulness. Tailored for women who lead busy lives, these workshops provide a nurturing environment where you can unwind, express yourself, and build lasting friendships. Experience the joy of collective growth and find your tribe among women who understand and support you.

Discover the Magic of Spiritual Art: Infused with Blessings: Every piece is created with intention and love, ensuring that each stroke carries positive energy and divine blessings. Abundance in Every Detail: Nycole channels her spiritual insights to bring you art that resonates with empowerment, wisdom, growth, prosperity, and a sense of inner peace. Unique and Personalized: No two pieces are alike. Each artwork uniquely expresses the Nycole's spiritual downloads, making it a perfect addition to any sacred space. Transformative Experience: Whether an art collector or someone is seeking spiritual enrichment, Nycole's artwork provides a transformative experience that aligns with your higher self.

I look forward to connecting with you.




Nycole was featured in an article written by Voyage Minnesota: Hidden Gem in Minnesota. Click on the link to read about the interview.


It’s time to THIRVE…

Connect to your authentic self!

Adventures in the Sacred Valley, Peru.